what to expect?
We are taking every precaution to keep your child safe and happy while in our care at Sonshine Day.
Please see below for more details about the following:
Pick up & Drop Off
Health & Wellness
Miscellaneous info
drop off
Doors will be open at 7:30am -9:15am for parent drop off. Parents are now allowed to come inside the building and can walk their child to class
Once inside the building, parent will check in their child at one of our kiosks using the smart care app.
Doors will be locked by 9:30am and any children arriving after 9:30 will be escorted to class by a teacher.
Please make drop off's/pick up as quickly as possible to limit exposure and people in the building.
Upon entering the classroom, all children in every classroom are required to wash hands with soap and water before they can contact any other children, teacher or play centers.
health & wellness
If a child has a temperate of 100.4 degrees or higher, he/she will not be able to attend. If a child registers a temperature of 100.0 degrees or higher during the day, parents will be notified and will need to pick child up immediately. Please be sure we have current contact information on file.
Children who are sent home with a temperature are required to be temperature free (without the aid of medication) for at least 48 hours before returning to school.
pick up
Doors will be unlocked at 2:15pm and parents are welcome to enter the building to pick up their child.
Upon entering the building, parents will use one of our kiosks to check out their child/children for the day.
Please make drop off's/pick up as quickly as possible to limit exposure and people in the building.
We will be offering early drop off to a limited number of children at an increased rate. Please contact us directly, before the start of the school year, for more information and to be put on the early drop off list.
We are asking you to drop your child off by 9:00am every morning. All doors will be locked after 9:30am.
All parents are require to use our facility app called Smartcare. Please ensure that you have downloaded the app prior to your first day of school.
Tuition remains constant whether your child is in attendance or not.
All aspects of these health procedures may change based on CDC recommendations, county regulations, and current any new COVID-19 cases in the area.
Please make sure we have an up-to-date email address on file for you, that way we can quickly and efficiently relay information to the entire school whenever necessary.

Smartcare App